Thursday, May 13, 2010

St. Patty's Day Cake

Here's a simple yet "festive" St. Patty's Day dessert, and the best part . . . it's semi-homemade!!

  1. Take a box of yellow cake mix; follow all the directions on the box, just add some green food coloring.
  2. Make some buttercream frosting and divide into three equal parts, color one part green, and one part orange. Leave the 3rd part white.
  3. Once cake is cooled frost green on the left, white in the middle, and orange on the right, and presto you've got a cake frosted to look like the Irish Flag!
Simple and festive!

1 comment:

Timbra Wiist said...

do you have your buttercream frosting recipe on here? how can i make this cake if i don't know how to make the frosting? this was a super cute idea for a st. pat's dessert. i love that your desserts are always festive! did you make a mexican flag for cinco (teehee)
wv: scontrie this cake is so scontrie (that means awesome!)